Thursday, June 9, 2011

Weiner is a....wiener!

I’ll make this easy; I’m talking about the wife. I saw a picture of her and her goofy looking husband today with the headline that read "Weiner's Wife is Reportedly Pregnant"...

Now, I know she made the choice to stick by her husband through his indiscretions and I totally understand making a commitment to someone and wanting to stick it out through thick and thin. BUT in today’s day and age, to be standing next to the asshole with a big grin on your face is a little too fake, even for a "glowing" soon to be mommy.

Listen, my beef isn’t totally with this particular woman. It’s with most women in politics in general. Being honest though, you married a man with the last name of "Weiner", what did you think would happen when it came out that he is an inappropriate picture sharing whore? I’m just saying.

Ok so back to what really ticks me off. There are certain women of politics (and behind the politics) that have all but said they are of the feminist variety. You know the type; I call them the "Women can....." type. For example; "Women can swing an axe just as well as a man" and the million other "women can" statements that may or may not be true. I’m not arguing feminism. I will however, argue hypocrisy. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that most feminists are hypocrites; including the biggest (and ugliest) Hillary Rodham Clinton! The last woman I would be asking for advice on martial affairs is her.

Hey Hillary, do you suppose you could throw out a "Women can leave their lying, cheating, sack of shit, no good, abusive husbands when they can’t seem to keep their body parts to themselves". There’s a “women can” statement for you. Little girls are looking up to these women and having it beat into them that women are equal and don’t have to take a man’s shit…unless he cheats/shares inappropriate pictures/has inappropriate relationships. Then you must stand by him…because he is man! He invented fire! Ahhh! Really it’s not so much that you have to stand by him as it is you have to stand by him and essentially enjoy it. I would love it if just once a female behind the politician/celebrity just lost her marbles on him like you know they want to.

Oh and a piece of advice to future women behind the politics…or women in general, if you’re going to sign a prenuptial agreement, make sure there is a clause for "My husband is a whore" that null and voids everything you sign. Of course, if there were consequences and maybe men (and women too) have to start paying for their infidelity they will make 1 of 2 correct choices. 1. Keep your personal body parts to yourself and your wife/husband, or 2. DONT GET MARRIED.



–noun, plural -ties.
marital disloyalty; adultery.
unfaithfulness; disloyalty.
lack of religious faith, especially Christian faith.


Monday, May 2, 2011

"bin Laden is dead!"


I was behind in my news this morning so I jumped on Facebook to get caught up and there it was; a post from one of my few friends that said "bin Laden is dead". I actually did one of those little half laughs that you do when someone posts something that is...farfetched? So, anyway, as I scroll up using Tweetdeck (an app for these newfangled smartphones) I see more and more posts about bin Laden being killed, dead, married but dead, etc. I really didn’t have a "oh wow" moment. In fact, I still haven’t. What I have had is a few "wtf" and "really?" moments. I have had more fun and been more interested in reading the reactions of my Facebook friends than to even take 3 minutes to read the news articles on the countless media websites available. I did get a synopsis from my husband around 9 am, but overall I haven’t dug in to the news.

I took about 20 minutes after lunch to sit and attempt to figure out why I’m somewhat...uninterested? Or unmoved? I can only figure because I know (or can acknowledge) that this was just a mere crumb off a much bigger cake. Realizing and accepting that this man being dead does not cure the plight of mankind is very frustrating to say the least. It does do something to that little thing I call hope. I am by no means a pessimist, but damn, this "war" is like trying to take out the entire Texas fire ant population one freaking ant at a time.

However, being a Texan (now) I have learned to appreciate justice/retribution, and can understand the swell of pride it gives some to know that the wrong that was committed against them has, even if only in our twisted sense of reality, received some type of remuneration. I suppose I should take the 1 down ≈84,000,000 to go as a positive thing.

Oh, let me explain that (and hopefully my "mere crumb off a much bigger cake" statement, too). Today (or yesterday...or was it really Saturday? Who understands the whole International Date Line thing anyway?), our awesome military killed 1 (one) radical Muslim. That’s the "1 down" part. It is estimated that our earth has approximately 1.2 billion (yea, that was a b instead of an m) Muslims. That’s good Muslims, that’s bad Muslims, that’s mediocre Muslims. There has been a study* that tried to determine the number of "radical" Muslims that make up this 1.2 billion Muslim population. One study rests that percentage to a meager 7% (who felt the attacks on 9/11 were justified) but it does not include the "somewhat justified" which rings in at an addition 6.5% and the "hates America" group that tallies up another 23%. So, because I’m a firm believer in lump sum type math that could be around 36.5% of the Muslim population being considered as radical. And I’m sure this study didn’t take into account what I like to call the "I didn’t vote for Carter" (or for my generation "I didn’t vote for Obama") effect. If necessary, I can explain this effect at a later time.

Let’s get back to the math. I tried to give most Muslims the benefit of the doubt and only figured the lower percentage of Muslims that felt 9/11 was justified which was 7%. That was ≈84,000,000. After all, if they feel that way they, in my opinion, rank #2 just under supporters/perpetrators of the Holocaust and should suffer no less than their beliefs prescribe. However, if in actuality, it is the larger percentage that wants to see America/Americans and those with the same ideals wiped out of existence that would mean we have ≈438,000,000 left...But hey! We got 1! So, now you see why the wind hasn’t even touched my sails today.

Moving on: On this whole "pat Obama on the back" thing: I don’t understand it. Why does he get a pat on the back for job well done? He had two choices, 1. Go after bin Laden or 2. Don’t go after bin Laden. I would think thats a pretty easy choice to make. Who needs to think on that one? It is his job to make that choice just like it is the soldier’s job to carry out the orders. The BIG difference is one of the two doesn’t risk his life to do their job and the others do. Obama deserves NO pat on the back. The men/women that signed up to follow those orders at risk of life and limb are the ones that deserve the pat on the back. They are the ones that deserve the "job well done", the "way to go", and the "let me buy you a beer".

I do want to say that I think a big victory here (and everyday for that matter) is we are ≈3 months away from being 10 years free of attack on American soil. I think there is something to be said about our military, our intelligence community, and our country. I love my country and my heart goes out to those that lost someone almost 10 years ago in the 9/11 attacks and those that have suffered loss since. No matter how pessimistic my rant sounds I will take this victory and hope for many, many more. I will continue to pray for those that protect us from afar as well as a foreign people and fight an evil that hides behind a religion and a rag. I hope they all come home to us real soon!

≈ is approximately

*Study by John Esposito and Dalia Mogahed who focuses on the 7% figure while only touching on two other categories that would bring the figure to 37% which could potentially be more of an accurate representation of the radical population.

Remuneration (ri-myoo-nuh-rey-shun)

1. The act of remunerating
2. pay; recompense

- Synonyms

Thursday, April 28, 2011


1. a very small quantity; jot; whit.
2. the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet (I, ι).
3. the vowel sound represented by this letter.


The idea...

of eyeota came from the thought that all you would need is an iota of intelligence to be able to grasp the ideas that I write about. But just in case one cannot and as apart of this new philosophy I will attempt to define at least one word for every post I make. This way I will be able to provide you with an iota of intelligence so that you may one day be able to. ;-)

Increasing intelligence is never a bad thing. I promise!

*disclaimer: Pronunceations may appear to be redneck. I do this on purpose.

Philosophy (fill-os-o-fee)

1. A set of ideas or beliefs relating to a particular field or activity; an underlying theory.
2. A system of thought based on or involving such inquiry.
3. The critical analysis of fundamental assumptions or beliefs.
4. The discipline comprising logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology.